Transforming Ottawa
The Capital in the Eyes of Jacques Gréber
So you have been living in Ottawa, but how much do you really know about your beloved city? Where did the city planning start, and how did it develop into what it is now?
If you have heard of the Gréber Plan you may have some idea of how things came to be. Jacques Gréber created a contemplated and detailed prospective of Ottawa when he first arrived in 1937. By 1950 he had created what is now a 65 year old document – a blueprint which mapped out Ottawa and it’s outcome.
Join us in supporting Alain Miguelez and his goal to publish his book which discovers Ottawa’s transformation through the visual beauty of 1930’s street scenes. The book will be filled with stunning images of the city, as commissioned by Gréber, and discusses the outcome of the city today in relation to the infamous 1950 plan.
This weekend Miguelez will be launching a crowd-funding campaign at Prose in the Park – Ottawa’s first major literary festival held on Saturday June 6th, from 11am to 6pm at Parkdale Park.