People will tell you that the most important room in the home is the kitchen. Although this may be true to some extent, the bathroom is also an important space – often short sided when incorporated into the budget for a home. Why is it that the focus for investment usually remains with the kitchen or other living spaces while the bathroom usually remains untouched?
More often than not the bathroom is left to pass the bare minimum – small in size, narrow lighting, minimal accents, and last on the to do list. But, when someone visits a home where the bathroom is stunning, it makes an impact. Unfortunately, making time and a budget for the bathroom is an investment most people miss out on, they then scramble to complete or update the look before a home goes up for sale.
Instead of updating the bathroom for the buyer, maintain the space throughout your ownership and enjoy it for yourself! The benefits of having a great bathroom allows for a space to prepare for a stress free day or relax away your worries after work.
A few simple changes like updated textiles, a new mirror and lighting can vastly improve the tone of the room. Or for a bigger progression, replace the sink, toilet and tub, or face lift the cupboards and flooring! The point is, don’t wait for someone else to be living in your home before you actually enjoy how your bathroom looks.